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Homefield Credit Union Holiday Loan
A holiday loan from Homefield Credit Union is a great way for members who may be just a little short on cash to make holiday dreams come true. Whether it’s being able to afford some extra presents, if you need a little help with travel expenses to get home for the holidays, or to pay off higher priced credit cards after the holidays – this product is designed to give you a little extra without requiring you to commit to a long repayment period.
- Minimum Loan Amount: $3,000
- Maximum Loan Amount: $6,500
- Maximum Repayment term: 12 Months
- APR as low as: 8.99%
*Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is subject to change. APRs above are based on the applicant’s credit score and overall relationship with Homefield Credit Union. Other rates available. Restrictions may apply.