Personal Banking / Other Accounts / Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
Take Your Next Step

Build Savings with Fixed Rates and Flexible Terms
Homefield Credit Union offers a wide variety of term certificates that include both competitive rates and flexibility of term. You can lock in a fixed interest rate for as little as 90 days or for as long as 5 years, with a minimum deposit of $1,000.
Ready to get started?
Come into one of our branches during normal business hours, and we will be happy to help you open a new CD account. Or fill out the form below, and we will contact you to begin the process. Please do not send any confidential information via this unsecured form.
§APY indicates Annual Percentage Yield. Rate and APY listed apply to both regular and IRA CDs. Fees may reduce earnings. Early withdrawal penalties may apply for CD accounts. For variable rate accounts, the interest rate/APY may change after opening. Please refer to our Truth-in-Savings disclosure for details regarding the minimum balance required to earn interest on your accounts. Please contact us for more information at 508-839-5493.