Congratulations to Homefield Credit Union’s most recent GEM Award recipient, Anita Damiano.

Anita was recently recognized for Going the Extra Mile when a guest credit union member came into Homefield CU’s Milford Branch to conduct business through the CO-OP Shared Branch Network.

Upon realizing that this individual was hearing impaired, and communication was difficult, Anita instinctively stepped in to help, utilizing her American Sign Language (ASL) skills. Not only was this guest member appreciative of the help she received, but the Milford Branch staff was also quite pleased to have witnessed this “feel-good” moment as well.

CO-OP Shared Branch Network
Homefield Credit Union’s participation in the CO-OP Shared Branch network means convenience when, where, and how you want it. As our member, you can visit any of the more than 5,000 credit union locations wherever you see the CO-OP Shared Branch logo and conduct transactions as though you were at a Homefield Credit Union branch.

For further information please Click Here.